Learn More About Insurance

We go out of the way to make sure that individuals and families have the insurance protection they need, so that you are not caught off-guard in an unexpected loss. 

What to know about Auto Insurance?

Watch the video below to learn more about Auto Insurance.

What to know about Life Insurance?

Watch the video below to learn more about Life Insurance.

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  • How can someone get better auto insurance?

    1. Being a homeowner.
    2. Clean driving record.
    3. No excessive claim/accident history.
    4. Occupation and Education.
    5. Early Quote discount.
  • What causes premiums to increase?

    1. Multiple claims/accidents.
    2. Policy cancellation.
    3. Lapse in insurance coverage.
    4. Age / years licensed.
  • Can I only bundle a home insurance policy and an auto insurance policy?

    1. No, bundling can also consist of a renters insurance policy and an auto insurance policy.
    2. Adding an umbrella policy can also lead to more savings.
  • Will bundling always give me the better premium?

    • Not always. We work with numerous carriers that sometimes we find the better premiums with different companies. In other words, the auto insurance carrier will be Company A and the home insurance carrier will be Company B.
  • Why does my neighbor have a better auto insurance premium than me and we drive the same car?

    • Insurance is the transfer of risk. In other words, a person that has multiple accidents, traffic citations, etc, is a higher risk that they will be involved in an accident or get a traffic citation. For those reasons, a person with such history will have a higher insurance premium. Premiums are not only based on the type of vehicle, but on the driver’s history as well.
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